Management of data collected through the website
pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data

AT GOMMA SRL (hereinafter the "Company" or the "Owner"), with registered office in Via Mearolo 3/D 24060 Foresto Sparso (BG) Italy and VAT number 02335280166, as data controller, informs you, to pursuant to the art. 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016 relating to the protection of personal data ("GDPR"), regarding the processing of your personal data which will be carried out by the undersigned.

1. Type of data processed
The Company is the owner of the processing of personal data communicated by the User to the undersigned and provides:Name, surname, email address, telephone number

2. Purpose of the processing
The processing of the Data is carried out by the Company in carrying out its activities. In particular, the Data provided by the Interested Parties will be processed, with IT and non-IT tools, for the following purposes:

Promotional activities
The lawfulness criterion for which processing is possible is: The interested party must express consent to the processing of their personal data for the specific purposeThe basis of which is reflected in a legal basis: Member State law

3. Methods of Treatment
The Data will be processed by the Company with electronic and manual systems according to the principles of correctness, loyalty and transparency provided for by the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data and protecting the confidentiality of the interested party through technical and organizational security measures to guarantee a level of adequate security.

4. Data retention
The Data provided by the interested party will be processed for a duration:
Start date: 03/16/2020
Duration criterion: Pre-established period
Duration: 5 Year(s).
Criterion description: Until the legal obligations expire after the termination of the business relationship.

5. Communication, dissemination and transfer of Data The Data will be processed, within the limits of what is necessary, by authorized personnel, adequately instructed and trained, by the Data Controller as well as by the personnel of third parties who provide services to the Data Controller and carry out data processing on behalf of and on instruction of the latter as data controllers. In case of communication to third parties, the recipients may be:

Non sono stati definite specifche categorie di destinatari alle quale I dati potranno essere comunicati

Categories: No specific categories of recipients have been defined to which the data may be communicated

More generally, in carrying out its ordinary corporate activities, the Data may be communicated to subjects who carry out control, review and certification activities of the activities carried out by the Data Controller, consultants and freelancers in the context of tax, judicial and legal assistance services. case of corporate operations for which it is necessary to evaluate company assets, public bodies and administrations, as well as subjects entitled by law to receive such information, Italian and foreign judicial authorities and other public authorities, for purposes related to the fulfillment of legal obligations , or for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed and arising from the contractual relationship, including for defense needs in court. The data collected will not be transferred to non-EU countries.

6 Profiling and/or automatic processing activities The data collected will not be subject to profiling or automatic processing

7. Additional subjects connected to the processing Owner(s) and possible representative(s) in the EU: There is no representative in the EU for the owner

Joint controller(s):
There is no joint controller for the processing(s) in question

Joint controller(s):
There is no joint controller for the processing(s) in question

The appointment of a DPO/RDP for the treatment(s) in question is not envisaged

8. What are the rights of the interested party? The interested party may exercise, in relation to the processing of the data described therein, the rights provided for by the GDPR (articles 15-21), including: receive confirmation of the existence of the data and access their content (access rights); update, modify and/or correct the Data (right of rectification); request the cancellation or limitation of the processing of Data processed in violation of the law including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the Data have been collected or otherwise processed (right to be forgotten and right to limitation); object to the processing (right of opposition); lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Guarantor for the protection of personal data ) in case of violation of the regulations regarding the protection of personal data; receive a copy in electronic format of the Data concerning him as an interested party, when such Data has been provided in the context of the contract and request that such Data be transmitted to another owner of the processing (right to data portability).

When contacting us, you should ensure that you include your name, email/postal address and/or telephone number(s) to ensure that your request can be handled correctly.

Nel contattarci, l'Interessato dovrà accertarsi di includere il proprio nome, email/indirizzo postale e/o numero/i di telefono per essere sicuro che la sua richiesta possa essere gestita correttamente.

Foresto Sparso,16/03/2023