
​We produce customized products to satisfy in the best way all your requirements. To make this possible is necessary to start from the best raw materials.
We can help you in the development of each single compound in order to satisfy particular specification or international norms in the automotive, electrodomestics, gas, drinking water, feed sectors…
We transform black and colored elastomers with hardness from 30 to 90 Shore.
The quality of raw materials is confirmed by the severals certifications obtained in the international accredited labours.

​Not affected by temperature changes, excellent  insulator and when properly formulated perfect no toxicity and possibility of conductive grades. ​+200°C
(serie speciali
fino a 300°)
​Good in water and aqueous solutions, to exposure to atmospheric agents, ozone and U.V. vegetable and animal oils and glycols.
​Similar to silicone but with higher chemical resistance against lubrificant oil,ecc. ​<=100°C/ 110°C ​Good in aliphatic hydrocarbons, minerals oils, ozone and UV, fair in petrol.
​Excellent resistance against chemical agents, lubrificants, heat and flames. Outstanding behavior  to compression set. Excellent behavior with ozone and U.V rays. ​-25°C>+280°C
(gradi speciali fino
a -30°/40°
​Special chemical agents with excellent resistance in a wide temp. range, as: aliphatic, chlorinated, aromatic, hydrocarbons, fuel, mineral and vegetal oils fats, hydraulic fluids.
​Irrilevant properties, sufficiently cheap. Good resistance agains brake fluids. ​-40>+100°C ​Slightly superior to NR. Good resistance against brake fluids.
​Outstanding resistance to heat, atmospheric agents, and ageing. Exceptionally low brittle temperature (-94°C) ​-60>+150°C ​Good resistance to aggressive chemicals and to oxidation.
​Outstanding resistance to oils heat and ageing. Good mechanical properties. Low compression set and low permeability to gas. ​-50>+130°C ​Minerals oils, hydrocarbons, water, vapor, gas, vegetal oils.
​Resistance to oils and temperatures better than NBR. ​-40>+165°C ​Aliphatic oils, heat, oxygen, ozone.
​Excellent field of mechanical values. Excellent abrasion resistance. Good compression set. Good thermic behavior. ​-40>+165°C ​Minerals oils, hydrocarbons, water, vapor, gas, vegetal oils.
​Excellent resistance to ozone, sea water, and ageing. Good shear strength, abrasion and combustion resistance. ​-50>+120°C ​Petroleum derivatives, sun light  and atmospheric agents, ozone, flame.
​Oil and heat resistance. Good balance of low temperature flexibility, weathering resistance and physical strength. ​-30>+170°C ​Resistance against oils, amines, radiator fluids.